Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A pictureless post...SORRY!

Things have been a little crazy this month, so I've been lazy yet again. Drew is in a gym class on Saturday mornings, so I will get those pics up this weekend for your amusement. They spend 2 weeks on a specific sport; they started with basketball, then football, soccer, and t-ball. It is comical to say the least.

On a more serious note, we, along with many others, are just waiting out this economic storm. We continue to hope and pray that someone in the Blevins/Yuhas clan will sell some real estate, and just recently, several of my teaching friends were notified that due to their part-time status with the county, they will not be receiving a contract next year. There are many others that we know whose jobs are uncertain, and it will continue to be a trying time. I am hoping I will be safe with a job next year, but you never know. We also continue to pray for our troops overseas wherever they may be. (As of today, my friend, Kendra will be separated from her new husband who is in Japan until May.)

On a lighter note, we hear of babies being born (The Edwards family) and babies on the way (Hecks and Parkers)...maybe there are more that I don't know about yet. Keep the emails, texts, and Facebook updates coming. No news on that front from the Yuhas'...yet.

Sorry to make this post so serious, but the reality in our lives right now is that people we love are hurting, and I just wanted them to know that we continue to pray for them.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Parties, Christmas, December, Snow, and Family...Enjoy!

First of all, I want to wish all of our friends and family a Happy New Year! I was lazy and cheap this year and decided not to send Christmas cards. This post will just have to do. We've had a very busy December with Drew's Bob the Builder birthday party, a trip to the aquarium with mommy & daddy, Christmas with my family, and a trip to Rochester to see Dave's family.

Drew & Mommy at the aquarium with the gators. GO GATORS!

Drew & Daddy in the tunnel at the aquarium.

Daisy & Ella at Drew's birthday party

Claire, Avery, and Drew getting ready for the Bob the Builder cake.

Drew & his great-grandma (Grams) making her special rolls together.

Pops, Drew, & Gaga (my parents) making the stuffing for Christmas dinner.

Drew & his cousin, Caal shredding the toilet paper at their great-grandma's.

Drew, Nona, & his great-grandma (Dave's mom & grandma)
Drew & Caal on the coffee table thanks for Nona
Caal, Nona, and Drew reading their favorite Thomas the train book.

Drew & his Papa at the Children's musuem in Rochester

Carlos, Jen, & Caal on Sesame Street
Drew enjoying the snow in Rochester from the warmth of the kitchen. It was freezing!

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