Thursday, July 31, 2008

The last of the summer pics: North Carolina & New York

The view from my parents' place in North Carolina

Drew in the mountains before Sadie got there...GO BRAVES!
Drew & Sadie
Uncle Mark and the boys in their white terrycloth-like jackets just like McDermott's jacket...doesn't Uncle Mark have one too?!

Caal & Drew swimming RochVegas-style

Monday, July 28, 2008

Overdue Hellos & Sad Goodbyes

The theme of this entry is simply stated in the title. Sadly, I am a blogging newbie, so I can't figure out how to arrange the photos in the order I want them in once I upload them. That is something I will practice before the next posting, so read the captions carefully to figure out if you have a hello or a goodbye.

I started back to work today; it was bittersweet because I miss my Choctaw squaw. I met some cool people, and they took us to lunch at a Japanese steakhouse...this school district's budget is not hurting!! I have four more days of new teacher orientation this week, 5 days of pre-planning next week, and the kids come on August 11th. WOW!

Drew didn't cry today when I dropped him off at daycare today for the first time since he started going last week. That was a major milestone. I spent Thursday to Sunday in Chicago with my college friends...we had a blast!

REMEMBER - My posting skills suck, so the pics are out of order...SORRY!

Goodbye - Chris (Dave's pseudo-boyfriend) and Sara AKA Sawa at our FL going away party

Goodbye - Addy & my nemesis, Billy at our FL going away party

Hello - Our friends, Blake & Rebecca, from VA met up with us in Destin while they were on vacation with their little girl, Abby.
Hello - The bride & groom...Thanks for an awesome night!

Hello - This was a long overdue visit to see my Purdue girls. It would have been 3 years in September, so I couldn't miss it. This is one of the only non-fuzzy pics that I took, so this doesn't show everyone.
Hello - Ryan (Heaney & Kyle's son) on the left & Connor (Springer & Jeff's son) on the right. We met in downtown Chicago, so I could meet the boys. They are the best!

Goodbye - Bef, Baby Smiff, Kendra, & Jordan at the FL going away party

Goodbye - Heckster & Ashleigh at the FL going away party

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Our trip to NY

We spent the 4th of July and the week after in NY with Dave's family. I'll post more pics from our home computer once we set it up. We have some great ones of Drew with his cousin, Caal.

Drew, Grammy, & Dave on the way to the fish hatchery
in Fairport. Drew loved this place, but I would say Dave
was the kid on this one.

Give me more fish food...DADDY!

Mommy & Drew at the airport

Papa & Drew on their way to Drew's new favorite toy...the trampoline.

Grammy, Papa, & Drew on our last day in NY

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No pics...SORRY! I'm in Chicago with my Purdue girls!

Instead of posting pics, I packed for a trip to Chicago. My friend, Folta, is getting married, and I'm getting to see my Purdue girls for the first time in almost 3 years. My friend, Griffin, from Boston and Jill, from Indiana, came to pick me up at the airport. Griff is making fun of my blog, but I bet she'll check it all the time. It will be "wicked" awesome as she would say. I got to meet Jill's son, Ryan, for the first time today. He is almost 1 and adorable. Drew would have the best time with him. Hopefully, they can meet soon.

We're headed out to dinner...

PS - Dave got a raise today! Yipee! He's been working so hard; it was well-deserved.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We made it!

So the past three days have been VERY long, but we made it to Suwanee. The house has a few more boxes in it, but we made major progress yesterday. Drew also started daycare, and he loved it. They had a magic show, and Miss Sharon, his teacher, said he played all day long. He was a little sad today when I dropped him off, but I think that is normal. He seemed so happy to be around kids yesterday.

I have tons of pics from our summer to post, but I have to wait until we set up our computer. I'm hoping to get them posted sometime tonight or tomorrow, so be patient with us.

We're so happy to be settling in and will keep you posted. Thanks for all the phone calls, texts, and emails.

Kari, Dave, and Drew

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The countdown is on...

So, I gave in and created a blog as an easy way for the people we love who don't get to see us on a daily basis to "see" what we are up to in the big city. We are currently packing up our lives in FL and headed to the big city on Sunday; we'll hit the ground running Monday morning with Drew starting at his new daycare. Wish us luck!

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