Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sledding in NY...

Well, we had some serious snow in Rochester, so the boys spent some time sledding with Papa, Daddy, and Carlos. The girls went along for the ride to check things out, but we didn't really get into the action like the boys (big & small).

A little pre-sled dancing by the boys in their snow bibs

Drew & Papa
The BIG hill...only Papa & Dave tackled this one, but the little boys went down an impressive one too. I was scared going down it, but I'm probably not the best judge since I'm a wimp.
And sweet sledding for him yet. It was too cold for this little guy. He's having fun playing in the house though. He's looking pretty serious in this picture. Probably just woke up...
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Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas...

Well, we've decided to go the cheap (I'll call it practical) route and not send out a Christmas card this year, so here you go. We've started celebrating with my family on Christmas Eve, and we'll head to Dave's parents' house tomorrow afternoon to spend the week with his family. We hope this post finds you all enjoying time with friends and family. We are awaiting the telling of the Christmas story via Drewman Hoss...I'll tape it and post it for you later. Be safe! Merry Christmas! 

Drew & Grady at our house

Grady, Hudson, & Drew - We tried to get a serious shot, but who were we kidding?!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy 4th Birthday to Drewman...

It's so hard to imagine that the sweet little one year old (in the pics below) has turned into a big, crazy (and still sweet) 4 year old. Drewman - You give us such entertainment on a daily basis. You are constantly talking to us (can't imagine where you would have gotten that trait), and you can be one stubborn little man (I'm throwing Dave under the bus on that one). You make us laugh all the time with the funny things you say and do. We love you very much.

Things you don't love as a 4 year old: going to bed, eating dinner, being left alone at the dinner table b/c you're a bit of a slow eater, saying a "long" prayer on the way to school, pants with a snap, sometimes sharing toys with your little brother...

Things you love as a 4 year old: magic shows, Spiderman, Black Spiderman, Batman, praying before dinner, candy, blue go-gurts, watching a show in mommy and daddy's bed, green ice cream, jumping on the bed, jumping on/off pretty much anything, playing with your friends, playing with Grady, running around the house with no clothes on, "shaking your booty", playing tricks on people, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, candy, cupcakes, your teachers at school, writing your name, dinosaurs, taking a shower with your swim goggles on, all of your grandparents, your big boy carseat, reading books on your own or with us, Christmas, playing in the cul-de-sac with your new friends...

Here are a few pics of our Drewman - (from a cute one year old to a cute big boy now...)

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