Sunday, April 26, 2009

and baby makes 4, or 6, or 9 if we're getting technical...

So that's why I haven't posted anything since Feb.9th...I am 15 weeks pregnant and have had a rough go for the last few months. This baby is kicking my butt. The numbers in the post title refer to if we count our dogs and then of course my parents and their dog all living under the same roof.

Despite the way I've been feeling, we do have some photos from the last few months, so I'll get those posted soon. The baby is due October 22nd, but I'll have to have a c-section sometime before that. We are not going to find out the sex of this baby either, but I'm thinking it might be a girl since it's been so different from my 1st trimester with Drew. I have to give a serious shout-out of thanks to my parents and Dave. I would have been SOL without their help the last few months because I have been so worthless.

Drew is doing well. He still loves school along with singing his ABCs and counting to 10. Dave is doing well too. We're praying that his company can land another project soon, so that stress will be out the window. We currently have a contract on our house. This all just happened this week, and we are supposed to close on May 11th. We're hoping it will all go through with ease.

I hope all is well with everyone! I'll try not to be a blog slacker anymore.


Lynnlee said...

OMG MRS YUHAS!! YAY! Congratulations, if its a girl...please name it Lynnlee.

roland lundy said...

congrats on the baby and the house!!

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