Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dave's Sprint Triathalon & back to school...

Last weekend we made a short trek to Chattanooga, TN, so Dave and our friend, Paul, could compete in a sprint triathalon. They had to swim 1/4 mile, bike 8 miles, and run 2 miles. Dave finished in 58 minutes and 17 seconds. We were very proud of them!

School started this Monday, and I've been exhausted, but I must say it's been nice to get back into a routine. I will work right up until my c-section which is scheduled for noon (not 7:45 am as originally planned) on October 15th; I should be on maternity leave until the second week of December. I'll go back for one week before Christmas break and then full time again in January.

Paul, Avery, Dave, & Drew in Chattanooga

Drew & Avery at the Children's museum in Chattanooga

Dave within 20 yards of the finish line

Dave running on the bridge during the race

Drew's cousin, Caal (Many of you ask about him, so here he is...growing like a weed.)

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