Friday, December 4, 2009

We made it again...

Check out the link called "A Tribue to UGA" because we made it again. We love that website, and it's love of all things UF and Tebow. ATL is in full SEC Championship mode, and it's hard not the be nervous and excited about the game tomorrow night.

On another note, did anyone want to tell us that going from one child to two can be a nightmare, and we even have help from my parents on a seriously regular basis...we live with them.

After Drew's nap, we decided to run a few errands which included going to our local Kohl's to find him some new pants. It's not that his other pants don't fit; it's more a texture issue with him...he doesn't like tight pants or rough pants as he calls them. He's a sweatpant kind of kid, but I am too "snobby" to let sweatpants be the only part of his wardrobe. Well, I thought we could find some elastic-waisted "slacks" at this great sale; well, we found them (they were too big), but we also found out that we (ok, I) are the kind of parents who have to spank their child in the middle of a shopping exursion, but not because he was screaming his head off; instead, Drew was running around the store in his Thomas the Train underoos while I tried to get him into about 8 different pairs of pants. He seriously was doing this dance out of a movie that I know he has never seen, but it was hilarious and miserable all at the same time. Meanwhile, Dave and I are trying not to laugh, cry, or run out of the store, and Grady was deeply asleep in his stroller. with two kids; it's somewhere between the feeling of getting too drunk, too early in the morning and feeling hung-over before 9 am (can we say breakfast club at Purdue?) and getting a root canal (yes, I had one this week). On the other hand, it's also the greatest thing that ever happened to us. Grady is smiling and cooing now...priceless, and Drew is playing CandyLand with us. Life is exhausting but very good too.

1 comment:

Sara said...

HILARIOUS!!! I can practically see the shopping scene in my mind right now! CRACK. ME. UP!

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