Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Wiggles - A post for Carlos!

The Wiggles update is long overdue, but it's been a busy week. I've been sick with a sinus infection. Surprise, Surprise! I actually went to one of those "minute clinics" in CVS b/c we don't have a regular doctor here, and it was awesome.

We had a blast in Charlotte, and as you can see, so did Drew. Enjoy! Drew is starting to talk more and more. He loves to shout out "ball" & "car" when he sees one of these. We can interpret pointing at his mouth to mean food, drink, or paci. We're working on only having the paci at's going pretty well. He's thrown some major fits lately, but we're dealing with those too. Ignoring him seems to work the best.

Grammy and Papa are coming to visit in two weeks, so Dave and I can go to Pete's wedding in Wisconsin. Drew can't wait to see his grandparents; he's been kissing their picture all week. We enjoyed some Gator football yesterday, and we're gearing up for Purdue football next weekend. Aunt Chelsea took some great pics of Drew in his Gator jersey, so we'll post those soon too.

Check out this video! Drew sees The Wiggles...priceless!

Drew realizes that The Wiggles are here!

Sam, the newest Wiggle, came right up to our seats.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Wiggles weekend

We are taking Drew to Charlotte on Saturday night to see the Wiggles. Yes, we are driving 3.5 hours for this which he will not remember. I am convinced that seeing his reaction when he realizes he is in the room with the Wiggles will be worth the money spent.

I'll let you know on Sunday if that is true.

I will also post pics of the Yuhas clan's new hair cuts (pending Dave gets one tomorrow), and I'll post pics of Jay's bday party which is tomorrow. I tried with all I could to grow my hair out for Locks of Love, but I couldn't handle it taking an extra 20 minutes to dry it every morning. It was a nightmare. I cut off 3.5 inches last week. I'll send those pics too.

Love and miss all...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back to school

The kids came back to school this Monday. I literally feel like someone beat me senseless this week. I am so physically exhausted, and I really have nothing else to say. Ok, that is a lie.

I love my new school...great kids, great teachers, etc...I do miss the CHS crew though. I had a Honor Code violation on one of my summer reading essays. It is a huge deal at this school, so I was at school late on Friday talking to a parent. I got to eat breakfast with some of the other English teachers at a diner before school on Friday because school starts sooooo much later than it did in F-dub.

Drew got a cold on Friday and stayed home with Gaga and Pops; I think they all had a great day.

Dave is doing well; although, we haven't seen each other that much b/c I've been grading papers and doing lesson plans. And, to Marty...No, I am not planning out my entire year this week, but I do keep moving my piles around from place to place. (Jeannie, do you miss that?)

I will write & post more...when I get my life May or June of 2009.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More potty training, kind of...

Well, the countdown is on...the kids will be at school on Monday. I am slowly getting myself prepared and lessons completed. I owe many phone calls and emails, but please hang in there with me for the next week. The week before school and the first week of school are the two busiest for all teachers, so I should resurface around August 20th...don't hold me to that though. I am loving the new school, but it's a bittersweet time as my Choctaw girls head back to work without me. They had their leadership conference this week, and I hate that I wasn't there. We're hoping to make a trip in September.

On to the potty training story..

I have yet to set up the pretty new training potty that I bought earlier this week, but Drew decided to get a head start tonight. Dave took him up for a bath (and I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong); he yelled down about ten minutes later for me to come upstairs for a minute. When I arrived in Drew's room, he told me that there was a surprise for me in the closet. I could already smell it...NASTY! I walked into the closet and was greeted by two little turds. Drew came in behind me, squatted, and pointed at them. He looked up at me and mumbled something. I think he was as confused as I was as to why there were two turds in his closet.

Hopefully, I will have a triumphant story for you soon about his newly acquired potty skills.

He is loving his new daycare, and his teacher, Miss Sharon, told me today that he is so helpful and always picking up toys and following directions so well. You wouldn't know it by the temper tantrums he's been throwing lately at home. Why is it that they behave so well with others but not at home?! He about bit my dad's head off tonight when he shut the fridge before Drew was done in there. He's 20 months for God's sake! Well, he's ruling the roost around potty, turds in the closet, and all!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Potty training @ 20 months?!?!?!

Yesterday, Drew disappeared from the family room for a minute. I went looking for him and found him standing by the powder room door pointing at it. I proceeded to open it for him and followed him in; before I knew it he lifted the toilet seat. I was so shocked that I ran out into the kitchen to ask my mom and Dave what I should do. Mom said to put him on there if he wanted to try it. I asked him if he needed to go poopy?? (yes, I said that, and I know many of you find that hilarious). He said, "Yea." That's his version of 'Yes.'

He actually got on the toilet with his pants around his ankles then he looked up at me like, "What now?" We sat there for a minute and then he was "done." Before I put up his diaper, he grabbed toilet paper and proceeded to wipe his butt. Now, I realize that it would be much more interesting if he had actually gone to the bathroom, but he's only 20 months old...this was an impressive move on his part. RIGHT?!?!

I can't leave out that fact that right after I was bragging on him, Dave told me that earlier in the day that when he was in the bathroom, Drew came in to "check things out." Drew then tried to paw at the stream he saw. Dave will kill me for sharing this story, but it's too funny not to share. It shows how the simulated potty training might not be that big of a deal after all.

I suppose that being home with mommy and the dogs all summer might have contributed to him wanting to sit on the potty like a girl. I couldn't trust him alone to roam the house while I used the facilities. Have I ruined him?!?! Nonetheless, we purchased a training potty today with plans to set up shop in the powder room ASAP. My parents are extremely happy now to have 2 extra free-loading adults, 2 dogs, a 20 month old, and a training potty in their brand new house.

On another note, check out this blog! My friend, Billy, and his wife had triplets about 3 weeks ago. Billy is Teri's big brother for those of you who know Teri. It's an amazing chronicle of their journey. It makes you want to not complain about ANYTHING!

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