Monday, September 7, 2009

Last day at the pool...and a belly pic!

Dave and I took Drew to the pool today for the last time; it closes tomorrow. It was a little chilly, but he jumped right in with Dave. It's hard to believe that he was hardly swimming at all when summer started.

Dave gives Drew a haircut! He does a great job.

Ok, so I really want to post a picture of me as I'm headed out the door to work with makeup and a better outfit on, but this is the reality of what I look like most days with just over 5 weeks to go. Fat, tired, and very pregnant! Enjoy! Is that a double chin?!?! I think so.


shannonmichaelis said...

girl, you look great. can't believe you are about to have another!

Andi said...

You look awesome, Blevo! Can't wait to see pics of the new little one!

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