Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy belated 4th Birthday to Caal...

Our sweet Caal turned 4 yesterday, and we hate that we live so far away and can't celebrate in person. Caal is full of life and full of fun. He's also about to be a big brother...yippee! We can't wait to add another cousin to the mix. This picture was taken at the beach in April, so I know he's changed even more. He, Drew, and Grady are great pals and loved playing the few days we were with them. We can't wait to see him this fall and meet the baby. Sometimes Drew and Caal even talk on the's precious. Yes, I said precious, but it is.

This summer has been filled with playdates, pool playdates, lazy days, school days, playing, playing, and more playing. I'm wiped out for sure, and once again, I only have respect for the stay at home moms and dads who do this all year long.

We're headed to Rochester this week then Dave and I will be taking a short trip to NYC for our 10 year wedding anniversary. We can't's much needed for sure. The boys will stay with his parents while we are enjoying some time just to ourselves. That's a rarity these days.

I'll post some other pictures soon of all of our summer adventures.

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