Thursday, August 7, 2008

More potty training, kind of...

Well, the countdown is on...the kids will be at school on Monday. I am slowly getting myself prepared and lessons completed. I owe many phone calls and emails, but please hang in there with me for the next week. The week before school and the first week of school are the two busiest for all teachers, so I should resurface around August 20th...don't hold me to that though. I am loving the new school, but it's a bittersweet time as my Choctaw girls head back to work without me. They had their leadership conference this week, and I hate that I wasn't there. We're hoping to make a trip in September.

On to the potty training story..

I have yet to set up the pretty new training potty that I bought earlier this week, but Drew decided to get a head start tonight. Dave took him up for a bath (and I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong); he yelled down about ten minutes later for me to come upstairs for a minute. When I arrived in Drew's room, he told me that there was a surprise for me in the closet. I could already smell it...NASTY! I walked into the closet and was greeted by two little turds. Drew came in behind me, squatted, and pointed at them. He looked up at me and mumbled something. I think he was as confused as I was as to why there were two turds in his closet.

Hopefully, I will have a triumphant story for you soon about his newly acquired potty skills.

He is loving his new daycare, and his teacher, Miss Sharon, told me today that he is so helpful and always picking up toys and following directions so well. You wouldn't know it by the temper tantrums he's been throwing lately at home. Why is it that they behave so well with others but not at home?! He about bit my dad's head off tonight when he shut the fridge before Drew was done in there. He's 20 months for God's sake! Well, he's ruling the roost around potty, turds in the closet, and all!


Jessica said...

Poo in the closet. What a lovely find! :) Though, it does sound like Drew is ready to move past diapers.

Dr. Pete Stavinoha is a child psychologist at the hospital where I work - Children's Medical Center in Dallas, TX. He just wrote a great book called Stress-Free Potty Training (, and he outlines the importance of training a child according to his personality.

It sounds like Drew has a mind of his own and might fall into the strong-willed child category. Smiles... Dr. Pete offers specific tips for each of five distinct personality types.

Dr. Pete also offers a few (immediately gratifying!) tips in a video here:

Good luck with Drew. And thanks for the giggle this morning.

AL&G said...

Hey Kari, Denise emailed me your blog website. Drew is so big, and I am loving his personality. I am impressed that at least he wants to wipe by himself, Gunner still calls through the house "Mommy, Mommy...come wipe my bum." It's lovely. Anyway- I am glad I have a way to see what's going on with you; it's been a long time.

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