Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow day...

Today was a holiday for me from school anyway, and we're off on Monday too for Presidents' Day. We were lucky enough to enjoy some awesome snow that started falling around 1:30 pm and still hasn't stopped.

You'll also see the pics I've been promising of Gradymeister. That's what Drew called Grady today when I came down the stairs with Grady after his nap. Maybe it will stick like Drewman Hoss.

Grady and Dave

Some of you already know how handy Dave is, but this is a before picture of a dresser he refinished and turned into a new entertainment center for our family room. We wanted something funky, and we got it! Dave sanded and sanded the dresser until it was ready for paint, then we picked out this cool blue-turqoise color. It looks awesome in our family room. This was a dresser that went with the bedroom set my parents bought when they first got married. We still have the other pieces in our guest bedroom...ready to be refinished now too.



Grady at 3 months - He's much bigger than Drew was at this age, so we've had to buy him a winter wardrobe in 6 month sizes.

Grady and Drew playing before we left for church last Sunday...notice Grady's admiration of his big brother, and please notice Drew's #9 jersey. We love Drew Brees!

Happy Gradymeister!

Drew and the snowman he made with his dad - He then spent almost an hour in the front yard with the neighborhood kids who are all at least ten or older. He was the only "little kid" out there, and he held his own quite nicely.
Drew getting up from making his Snow Angel for Gaga...she suggested this a few weeks ago when we got our first snow of the season, and she held up her end of the bargain by having my dad take her pic as she made a snow angel earlier today. Hilarious!!


Fran said...

Love, love, love all the pics! Can't believe how Grady has grown in just 3 weeks. Got the pics of Drew yesterday - thanks so much! The entertainment center looks great!

Chelsea said...

When do we get to see the pic of Gaga making a snow angel!?!? Haha.

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